Are you a tea or coffee person?
For me, I used to be a coffee person and always would drink a cup of coffee per day. (espresso)
Because I wanted the energy boost when I work in the morning.
But I eventually switched to tea, particularly green tea.
When I went to Japan about five years ago, a local introduced me to this drink for the first time.
Did you know that green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet?
Other than that, it is also surprisingly delicious!
It’s loaded with antioxidants that have many health benefits which I will list below.
Contains healthy bioactive compounds that fight disease
Green tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to fight cancer.
May improve brain function
Green tea does more than keep you alert, it may also help boost brain function.
The key active ingredient is caffeine, which is a known stimulant.
It doesn’t contain as much as coffee, but enough to produce a response without causing the jittery effects associated with taking in too much caffeine.
Many people report having more stable energy and being much more productive when they drink green tea, compared with coffee. (and that is why I switched over)

Increases fat burning
Now this is for you if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
Today, we are living in a society where fast food is rampant and many do not take care of their diets.
People want convenience and tasty treats, so they sacrifice their health instead. That is the wrong move because it will be very bad for you in the long term.
This is why green tea is great because it can increase fat burning and boost metabolic rate.
One study involving 10 healthy men taking green tea extract increased the number of calories burned by 4%. In another involving 12 healthy men, green tea extract increased fat oxidation by 17%, compared with those taking a placebo.

Of course, there are many more benefits of green tea that are not listed here but you can see why I love drinking green tea now.
And you should too.
But do you know what is as important as taking care of our body?
It’s taking care of our minds.
In the world we live in today, there are so many conflicts happening at the same time in our lives and others.
This can place a huge toll on our mental health as we struggle to cope with the stress and anxiety that comes with it.
This is why I always recommend meditation, practicing relaxation breathing exercises and staying connected with your crystals.
So that they can absorb the negativity from you and give you positive energy instead.
Time to prepare my green tea for the day and meditate with my crystals later on in the evening.
Today’s a great day to stay healthy.